So we've told you all about The Location, The House and The Bedrooms and The Schedule is being developed but you didn't think we'd forget this important detail did you?! We're creating some epic goody bags exclusively for those of you who come for the full 3 night retreat.

We LOVE a good swag bag and Bex has ALREADY started shopping for ours - that woman loves a rainbow as you know so if you book the full retreat, you can expect plenty of colourful treats inside yours!
We're not going to show you everything now as we want you to enjoy the surprise when you open them BUT, here's a little sneaky peek at our fancy Camera Chameleons tote bags!
I can tell you that there's something inside for a group photo 😉 and even an eco-friendly rainbow toothbrush in case you forget your own!
Not only will this be filled to bursting with glorious colourful goodies but we also have some fabulous partners sharing epic discounts with you!
At the retreat we are hoping to have the wonderful Anja Poehlmann filming us over a day or two - she creates the most beautiful brand films for photographers (and other businesses) and we're delighted that she's offering you an exclusive 10% discount off your own personal brand film!

One of Bex's photography business mentors, Gillian Devine is also very generously gifting attendees a fabulous exclusive package worth over £1000!!! Every attendee will receive a 45 minute mentoring call with her worth £250, PLUS an amazing discount off her fantastic BBP programme (seriously, Bex did it and it changed her life!) AND an extra group mentoring call when you sign up! She is even throwing in some extra "Rich Tog" goodies for you too so these CC goody bags really will be overflowing with awesomeness!

But if you don't have a business, fear not!
We are adding a heavily discounted offer for ongoing creative mentoring with us after the retreat too and we're still talking with other potential partners so we could be adding even more bonus value for you fabulous attendees before the retreat next year!

Don't worry if you're just coming for a day, we haven't forgotten about you! As well as receiving the generous offers above, you will also get the chance to win some fabulous goodies in our photo challenges!

Oh and Bex has also written an amazing guide to Brighton for you all, so during your free time or if you do make a holiday out of it (the retreat does run nicely into the bank holiday weekend after all), you'll have lists of fabulous places to visit too!
We can't wait to share more with you!